IchaKisah Perjalanan Menuju Kebebasan dalam Buku Harian Perempuan yang DihancurkanDitulis untuk workshop menulis Semaine de la Francophonie 2023 bersama Komunitas Salihara. Disunting oleh Dewi Kharisma Michellia.Mar 10Mar 10
IchaTake One Crow and We’ll Be Fine If It MatteredUnder the vast gray sky, my eyes grow weary, my body weakens, and my head turns as I get a glimpse of what could be and what would be.Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
IchaA Despair and a Gift (A Letter from the Youth)You are like me and I am like you. You are not me yet I am some of you.Jan 8, 2023Jan 8, 2023
IchaThe Shouting WhispersI close my eyes and enter the world of possibility. I walk through a brick road as one would find in The Wizard of Oz, only this one is in…Nov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
IchaUntreated ParalysisHere I give you a prescription for the cure (and by ‘you’ I mean me).Oct 5, 2022Oct 5, 2022
Ichathe treasured chaosI’m not overjoyed, I’m overwhelmed. Not by stress but by feeling too inspired. My mind is consistently filled with endless amount of ideas…Aug 15, 2022Aug 15, 2022
Ichacollector of memoriesif i were a better writer i would’ve turned you into a book. a book out of love, out of friendship, out of hope, out of ideas. if i were a…Jul 9, 2022Jul 9, 2022
IchaA Light of BeingWhen the clock strikes half past seven, she would sit on the pale green chair in the balcony, usually bringing a drink with her. Her drink…Jun 16, 2022Jun 16, 2022